So, I am not a blogger. I am Mama, Mommy, Mums, Mom. I have two beautiful girls that are my pride and joy. Ashley is my first born. I figured while the new bride is gone on her fabulous honeymoon, I would hack into her blog and give you a new perspective into my lovely daughter. No worries. I have nothing but pleasant things to say. I love her blog. You definitely get a sense of her passion for fitness and food. But her blog only gives you a small insight of who she is.
Ashley, at 4 years old was already feeding someone. Mr. Gorilla.
As you all can imagine, Ashley was and is a very colorful child. There is always lots of excitement when she is around. There is no denying that she loves attention! The good kind of course. Hugs and kisses, long talks, coffee time, long walks, cooking time, feeding time, and the list goes on. When I think back of her childhood, there is one memory that always sticks out. She was around 2-3 years old and she always wanted to help with the making of the beds. But it was not your ordinary chore. It was an event. If I made the bed without her, she would pout until we made it again. First, we would take all the covers off while she would say , “I do it, I do it”. Next, I would place the top sheet on the bed while she tried to sneak underneath it. Then, I would try to take her off the bed while she giggled. This process would start over and over again. I would think to myself, “We are going to be making the bed all day!” Eventually, I realized that she just wanted to spend time doing something together. Ashley is all about spending time together and relishing in it. That is her love language.
Mother and daughter relationships can be complex. Some mothers and daughters are best friends. Some talk only once a week. Some live close by and others live thousands of miles away. Some are sparing partners, some avoid conflict and others talk trough everything. Some mothers will try to parent even through daughters’ adulthood. Some daughters know better. Unquestionably there is a hint of all this things in our relationship. It’s what makes our relationship strong. I would not change a thing! She is my daughter, my sister, my counselor, my critic, my teacher, my encourager, my challenger, my BEST FRIEND.
Last Sunday I saw my baby girl, my best friend, marry the man of her dreams. Truly an answer to my prayers. Every mothers wish for their daughter is that they will marry a man that loves them and will take care of them. Miguel is that man. I am confident that Miguel will be a godly man, committed to loving her with every fiber of his being.
Ashley and Miguel, I love you so much. I am so proud of both of you. Remember the long road that brought you here. Always make time for yourselves, be lovers and be friends. Make new memories. When life gets hard, hang on, it will pass. Plan together, dream together. Take long walks, hold hands, and pray often. Always put each other first.
Ashley, I will miss you. I will miss our cooking session, our coffee time, our special hugs, our long arguments, our shopping trips, our walking times. Your poor sister, pray for Momo, that I don’t smother her.
No matter how old you get, you will always be my baby.
Thank you for bringing so much joy to my life. Now for the next chapter, when can I expect my first grandchild?