Friday, January 28

Home Away From Home

For those of you who are gluten-intolerant, you know that staying anywhere other than your own home requires a significant amount of planning. Every Thursday, I spend the night at Biff’s app, and every Thursday, there is a major production. It all starts Wednesday night… 

I have to pack my food, of course. I have to pack my lunch...
Tuirkey, cucumber, tomato, and feta salad. Not pictured: apple.

PureFit Almond Crunch

and dinner
Quinoa with salsa and corn. Quick, easy, delish.
 for the Thursday, as well as breakfast and lunch for the Friday. Along with my food, I also have to pack my clothes. I am not one of those girls who ponders her clothing choices every morning. I usually think about it before hand (so as not to waste time), look in the closet, and grab my outfit. After countless night’s spent away from home, I have realized that for some reason, this does not seem to work when I pack. I pick an outfit, probably that I have worn before, throw it in my bag, and off I go. The next day, I put on the outfit, and it has morphed into some ugly collection of mediocre (at best) garments. “What the Hades has happened to my clothes,” I ask myself. I may even look to see if the make-outfit-look-stupid gremlin has invaded my bag. So, to avoid any incidents like these, I always pack more than one outfit. 
Luckily, Biff doesn’t mind that I practically move in every time I come to visit. In fact, the app has become my home away from home. 
Pile of stuff in the middle of Biff's newly cleaned room.

My shelf in the pantry.

My shelf in the shower...

My side of the bed (the wall side).

She even lets me cook my own dinner!
 Thanks to Biff not minding that I totally invade her space, I always have a blasty and feel totally comfortable in the app. All that’s left to do is to have some fun.  

What's your home away from home? Do you enjoy spending the night away?

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