Thursday, December 30

Bringing Back Memories

Wednesday was just another day of Christmas break “relaxation”, A.K.A. Boresville. I don’t do well with this thing they like to call “relaxation” over extended periods of time. Cabin fever sets in pretty quickly with me. I woke up early for whatever stupid reason (I can’t manage to sleep in because I haven’t done enough activity during the day to warrant tiredness), and as per usual, one of the first things that came to mind was breakfast...

Tuesday night, we sat around the table talking about things I miss that aren’t gluten-free. One of them was English muffins. My step dad and I were gushing over Thomas’ “Nooks and Crannies” and how the topping of your choice wiggles its way into the little holes creating pockets of flavor explosion. Meanwhile, my mom was looking at us like we were nuts. We didn’t care.

I must’ve gone to bed thinking about these delectable goodies, because Wednesday morning, the Ener-G English muffins came to mind. So, I excitedly ran to the kitchen to grab the package.

I pulled them out, and being the weird food lover that I am, I smelled them. It was like a cross between sourdough and Hawaiian sweet rolls (another thing I miss). Guess what else was in this muffin- nooks and crannies. YEYAH!
Check it.
I was so excited about it I made a mad dash for the peanut butter. I toasted the muffin for the usual length of time. When I pulled them out, something interesting occurred to me. The muffins got softer in the toaster. Huh? I am not quite sure, but I think they make it a little doughy so that when you toast it, it seems fresh baked. It was strange, but I wasn’t going to question it. To my further delight, when I bit into it, it was flakey and almost biscuit-like. It was super fluffy and moist. The taste was like a very mild sourdough bread.

Muff with peanut butter and an orange.
I don’t know how they manage to keep their products so moist and also give them a long shelf-life. It’s amazing. Needless to say, I enjoyed these English muffins. With companies like Ener-G around, there is no need to go without your favorite breads and other usually gluten-filled goodies. Thomas’ still have a special place in my heart, but I think I might be able learn to love again.

After breakfast, I did the usual sprucing up of the self. It was rest day on Wednesday, so I went for a leisurely stroll with the poopers. After that I had lunch, wasted time, recorded, wasted more time, cleaned the kitchen, AND wasted more time.
Lunchtime eats: sweet potato and curry rice.

I would go out and do something, but where I live, there is nothing to do but shop, and I am on a no-money-spending kick so it’s a no-go. I guess all the time wasting made me tired, so I took a little nap.

The afternoon wasted away and the evening crept up in me. To my surprise, I received a package in the mail (I am popular these days). My fiancĂ© and I decided that we were not getting Christmas gifts this year, so I wasn’t expecting anything. But I opened the package and got this:
Estee Lauder Sensuous. Luurve it.

Within a few minutes I found myself twirling in my room like a 5 year old in a ballerina costume smelling my new perfume. I am so lucky (and spoiled). It made my night. The night was made complete with this classic soup and sandwich combo.
Tomato soup with grilled cheese sandwich.

Tomorrow I am going to find something fun to do. I don’t care what, but this staying home doing nothing thing is killing me. Stay tuned.

Wednesday, December 29

Yoplait Light Two Week Tune-Up Giveaway

Hi everyone! As you know, I have been mentioning this Two Week Tune-Up pretty often lately, and you might be wondering what exactly I'm talking about.

The Two Week Tune-Up is a plan specially designed for you by the makers of Yoplait to help you lose *up to 5 lbs. in two weeks. I have decided to take part in this little plan, not so much to lose weight, but just to clean my body of the holiday junk. I will be starting the Tune-Up on January 2nd!

This is the plan in a nutshell:

  • Replacing your breakfast and lunch with a Yoplait Light yogurt, a whole grain,
    and a fruit
  • Eating a diet rich in lean protein and non-fat dairy, including a sensible dinner, beverages, and snacks
  • Walking 30-40 minutes daily
Please visit for study and full diet details. 

There has been talk of a Yoplait giveaway, and it's finally here! To enter the Tune-Up Giveaway, go to the Contact Me page and write "Tune-Up Giveaway" as the subject. Send me your favorite Gluten-Free Breakfast Recipe. Make sure to include your name and email address on the form.

The prize pack for the winner of the Tune-Up Giveaway is a gym bag, wrist wallet, pedometer, and a coupon for a free Yoplait Light Yogurt! I have already been using my pedometer and wrist wallet. They are so convenient. 

There will be a special post where I make the the winning recipe! Don't forget to tell your friends about this fun giveaway. One more cool thing: the prize pack can ship internationally. So if you are reading from outside the U.S., you can participate too!

I can't wait to see what you guys come up with! Contest ends Friday, January 7th. I will announce the winner Saturday morning!

A Beautiful Day in the Neighborhood

Do you love having a great day as much as I do? For some reason, I really enjoyed Tuesday. Nothing extraordinarily good happened, but I just had a happy day. I woke up and had a delicious (and pretty) breakfast. Nice looking food always makes me cheery.
Papaya, Yogurt, and Oats.
 After my upper body and abs workout, I showered and, Voila! There was a package for me at the door.The wonderful people of Yoplait sent my kit for the Two Week Tune-Up! I am super excited about it. In my package was a pedometer, gym bag, and coupons for Yoplait Light yogurt. I will be hosting a giveaway for those of you who want to try the program for yourselves! More details will be coming soon!

I have a confession to make. At snack time, I did something evil... I'll give you a clue: it was me in the kitchen with a steak knife.
The crime scene was ruled a homicide.
Oh, how I love demolishing winter fruits.
I have been telling myself that I’m going to work on my senior research over Christmas break, but procrastination has been consistently finding a way to creep in daily. I’ve decided to just roll with it. So, I spent the next few hours cleaning, editting some music, and getting ready to go out on the town. I had a lunch of eggs on toast and a pickle. I have established a fairly new philosophy in my life to never deny my taste buds happiness.
Over-Easy eggs and Zesty Dill Pickle.
In keeping with this taste-pleasing trend, I resolved to make myself a post-lunch ginerbread latte. 
Don't these ingredients look like the makings of a fabulous hot beverage?

It seemed like such a great idea… until I made it. It tasted like, I can’t even describe it. It was a ginger-overload on steroids. 
Drink from Spice Hell.
Take my word for it. It was beyond gross, and I don’t use that word lightly. I dumped it and settled for Dunkin’ Donuts Hazelnut Coffee at the salon where my mom works.
Two pairs of pants I got for Christmas were too big (yay), so I had to exchange them. Since the salon where my mom works is located near my drug of choice (Target), I went to visit, socialize and have my afternoon coffee fix. It excites me to catch up on my celebrity gossip with all the magazines and all the shop gossip with the girls.

I was itching to get to Target, so I ran over, made the denim switch, and browsed for a while. Then I met my parents and cousin for dinner at Longhorn Steakhouse. I ordered a kid’s portion of sirloin, veggies, and sweet potato. I learned my lesson from the last few times I have eaten out. It took about an hour for us to get out food, and once it was at the table, my steak was incredibly chewy. But the flavor was good, so I didn’t care. I was starved. We ate and talked and laughed, and just had a great time together.

I think today was so wonderful because I was relaxed and enjoying time with family. I am taking full advantage of this holiday season to appreciate them and soak up my worry-free time in this lovely winter weather.

Tuesday, December 28

Annual Resolution Failure

The New Year is almost upon us! Every year, after the holiday season comes to a close, people’s minds jump straight to losing the few pounds they put on. The most common New Year’s resolution is to lose weight. This sounds wonderfully fantastic on New Year’s Eve when you are sipping champagne with friends and family.

But how much weight are you trying to lose? By when? How do you plan on doing it? Those little details are what make us quit our diet and exercise plan by January 15th. No one wants to have another resolution implementation failure.

What if we tried to not make different resolutions this year? What if we resolved to be healthier instead of thinner? That’s still a pretty broad resolution. My suggestion is to make a bunch of small resolutions for ourselves.

Here is a little list of ideas that I have come up with:
  • Start taking a daily multi-vitamin
  • Walk 3 times a week for 30 minutes
  • Cut down your soft drinks (or cut them out all together!). 
  • Get a nice, bright water bottle and make sure you are drinking ½ your body weight in ounces of water every day- having a bright and interesting bottle with make you more aware of the need to drink your H2O!
  • Drink a glass of water before each meal- We all know this, but really. Do it.
  • Buy an easy healthy cook book- Finding a book with both easy and healthy recipes, will make you more likely to want to cook  

  • OOOR, go to they have tons of options for healthy and quick cooking
  • Take 5 minutes a day to relax- Find a quiet place to close your eyes and clear your head.
  • Cut down your sugar intake- If you take two sugars in your coffee, try to but it down to one. 
You only live once, and for me, life on a diet is no life at all. Why not eat sensible, and think about being healthy, not being skinny.

By being healthier, you will be happier, look great, and feel better about yourself. Take the next week to come up with a few of your own little resolutions! Leave a comment! Maybe you can inspire someone else.

Sunday, December 26

Post Christmas Misery

Hi everyone. I say that with a groaning, unenthusiastic tone. I woke up Sunday morning feeling quite ill. My mama and step dad were also sick last night and this morning. My mom thinks it’s a minor case of the flu. I blame the pork we ate last night. Either way, I have felt like crap (I even got 10 hours of sleep, which is unheard of for me).

I was determined to drink water and feel fine. That’s my family’s cure for everything- drinking water.

“You have a headache? Drink some water.” 

“Why are you crying? Drink water.” 

“Sore muscles? Go get a tall glass of water.”

I went for a bundled up walk with the poopers, and never snapped out of my miserable state. The water trick was unsuccessful. I came home, showered up and warmed up. I had feast of bagel and cream cheese, and went back to bed.

My nap did not cure my less-than-stellar condition either. On top of that, I sat down to write an awesome post about Christmas (which was beyond fun), and realized that Mons had taken the camera cord with her for the week. Poop. So, it will be New Year’s Eve when I post about Christmas. I was not a happy camper.

There was no food-picture-taking of breakfast or lunch, due to my unfulfilled expectation for Christmas blogging. However, I did take a picture of this beauty.
Mom's Make-Us-Feel-Better Crazy Soup Concoction
 My mom is possibly the best random soup maker ever. This is where I get my cooking skills from- find stuff that sounds good, throw it in a pot, come out with a masterpiece. I am not even quite sure what’s in this, except for squash, carrots, quinoa, and celery. There are several other unidentified items gracing the bowl as well. I was too tired to ask. Or care. It was delicious. Believe it or not, it actually made me feel a little better. I am convinced that the happiness of my taste-buds is directly related to my current state of health.

The soup lifted my spirits and brought me out of my unpleasant mood. I've resolved to see Sunday’s turn of events as my body’s way of saying, “Hey, let’s chill out today.” And that’s what I’m doing, bundled up by the fire enjoying the relaxation and cozy weather. Tomorrow is a new (and hopefully healthy) day. 

Thursday, December 23

Ener-G Sent Me a Christmas Present!

Nothing makes me happier than getting packages in the mail. Ok, a few things make me happier, but that is definitely in the top 5 list. When I got home from getting my hair done on Wednesday, I was delighted to find a big package sitting on my doorstep, just in time for Christmas.

In this contained in this rather large box was Ener-G Gluten-Free products! Ener-G was so kind as to send me some of their awesome products to try out.
Box of Goodness

In this box was a sample of:
  • Seattle Brown Bread
  • Tapioca Loaf
  • Light Tapioca Loaf
  • Corn Loaf
  • Egg-free Raisin Loaf
  • Macaroni
  • Rice Mix
  • English Muffin
  • Pound Cake
  • Wylde Pretzels (the only gluten, wheat, casein, dairy, egg, soy, and nut-free pretzel on the market!)  
  • Ginger Cookies
  • Vanilla Cookies

I don’t know about you, but mass quantities of gluten-free foods make me giddy. I decided to dive right into this pile of scrumptiousness and make my lunch. I chose to use the Seattle Brown Bread.
Nicely packaged.
When I pulled the slices apart, one of them ripped. This is understandable, considering gluten-free grains are not as elastic as wheat. For me, the smell of bread just makes me melt. This bread, did not smell as strong as I had hoped, but it was still a nice aroma. I was starving, so I used it to make a veggie sandwich. The veggie sandwich consisted of hummus, mustard, chipotle relish, sauerkraut, romaine lettuce, cilantro, and a sprinkle of hot sauce. 
Snow Peas, Giant Carrot, Veggie Sandwich.
I forgot all about the rip and chowed down on my lunch.  Ok, let me just tell you how good this bread was, rip and all. The sandwich fillings were salty and lacking in any sweetness- almost on the bitter side. The brown bread was very hearty and had sweetness to it, probably due to the raisin concentrate in it. Very interesting ingredient. Combining this bread with those fillings was GENIUS. The taste was amazing.

Another common trait of gluten-free bread is the need to be toasted. Not this bread. No toasting required. It wasn't spongy or stale. I am definitely ok with the fragility of this bread since the taste was so delicious. The bread was slightly sweet and almost nutty in flavor. It was not the least bit dry- still moist as if it had just been baked and cooled.

I really enjoyed this sandwich bread. It was not your run-of-the-mill bread, for sure. Regular sandwich bread sometimes just doesn’t cut it for me. I always appreciate bread with a little pizzazz.

Thanks to Ener-G for letting me taste their delicious product! There is much more to come!

For more information about Ener-G and where you can get some for yourself, visit Happy Eating!

Wednesday, December 22

Commitments and Creations

As Christmas inches closer, so do the Christmas commitments. This year, my sister and I are doing a mini concert for the residents at an assisted living. I woke up on Tuesday thinking about the fact that we are WAY behind our practicing schedule. But, since Mons prefers to sleep the day away during Christmas holidays, I had to wait for her before I could do anything. So what did I do? Ate something, of course.
Onion bagel and yogurt with apple butter.
 After breakfast, I did some cleaning to prepare for the family gathering that will be taking place on Friday. By the time sleeping beauty came to life and I had finished my cleaning, it was time for lunch. When I checked the doneness of my lunch, I was incredibly disappointed to find out that it was only half-cooked. I staved off my hunger with snackies.
Corn chips with hummus
Sweet Potato with butter and cinnamon. Somehow, the way I cut it made it heart-shaped. Isn't it lovely?
 I ate my heart-shape root vegetable and we got straight to work on the Christmas music. Pictures and possibly a video or two will be coming on Thursday’s post!

This week, my wonderful fiancé is off from work, which means we get to talk a lot more than usual; so today we chatted it up! By 5pm, it was time for my workout. The past few days I have been working out in the afternoon, and today made me realize why I usually do it in the morning. I have way less energy in the afternoon. However, as I have said so many times before, my poopers, specifically Lucy, does not care if I am not feeling energetic.

She accompanied me on my merry way, and we opted for interval training. We walked for 5 minutes to warm up. Then for 20 minutes, we walked one minute and sprinted one minute. We walked for 10 more minutes at the end. While out for my daily calorie burning session, I contemplated the next time I would be consuming more of them.

I have been lacking in the creative cooking department lately, and I decided that it was time to step it up. In a flash of brilliance, I came up with this splendid new creation:

Fast and Easy Quiche
 It took me a little tinkering to get this right, but once I did, it was fantastic. This was out-of-this-world good. Perfectly fluffy. Here's the recipe if you want to try it out!

I felt so accomplished while eating my beautiful egg creation. I curled upon the couch after dinner with a cup of hot cocoa with a teeny scoop of instant coffee. Chocolate in any form makes me happy. It was a perfect end to my culinary and musically creative day.  

Fast and Easy Quiche

This was the product of a bout of creativity! This is delicious, fast, and easy, as the name would suggest. This can be doubled or tripled and then split into little ramekins for individual servings.
  • 3 eggs
  • 1/4 cup instant grits
  • 3 tbsp of half and half
  • 1 tsp pepper
  • 1 tsp garlic salt
  • 1 tsp Italian seasoning
  • 1 1/4 cup vegetables of your choice, chopped

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Mix eggs, half and half, grits and seasoning in a bowl. 

Fold in vegetables and pour the mixture into a small baking dish. 

Put in the oven for 20 to 30 minutes or until the egg is firm and the top is golden-brown. Enjoy!

Tuesday, December 21

The Holidays Are Here!

On Monday, it hit me that it is the week before Christmas! YEAH! I am so excited. It also occurred to me that I had one more Christmas present to buy. Yikes. I know that the malls and stores are crazy right now, but I also knew that further delaying the shopping would lead to an even more painfully stressful experience.

I woke up with sore calves from this weekend’s jump roping, and decided against cardio. So, I piddled around, spoke to my lovey, and got ready to go out on the town. 

Then, being the wonderful daughter and sister that I am, I took my sister and my mama out for lunch at Panera. Yes, gluten-free people, Panera. When I went gluten-free, I assumed that Panera Bread was totally out-of-the-question. However, when it was suggested as a meal option, I was curious to find out. I read that nothing is "certified" gluten-free (obvs. It’s a bakery). But, there ARE several dishes with all gluten-free ingredients. Check it out

Note: If you are a severe Celiac, you probably shouldn’t try this out due to cross-contamination.

Hurrah! I celebrated this discovery by getting a Classic CafĂ© Salad.  
Cafe goodness.
Mons and I happy to be at our long, lost cafe.
Afterward, I made my way to America’s Friendliest Hometown to get my last present. Great success!

When I got home, my mama and I gave each other manicures. Productive activities. It made me realize how much pointless stuff I do every day. Geez.
At least my nails look awesome.
Since my nails were wet, and my mom’s weren’t, she was kind enough to make my dinner.
Low cal pastrami (this is not a joke) and sauerkraut sandwich with sauteed veggies
 Unfortunately, this lovely dinner was followed by this:
Food for baby dogs.
 I say unfortunately because munching a little bit of Puppy Chow equals munching on lots of calories. Oh well. ‘Tis the season for enjoyment, fa-la-la-la-la…la-la-la-la.

To work off some of those glorious calories, I did an upper body and ab workout.

It struck me that I will be battling minor weight gain this week. But I am completely ok with it. As long as I workout, do my thing, and don’t go overboard, then why should I worry?

 I know those extra pounds we rack up during the holidays make us feel a little bleh, and everyone wants to stay in tip-top shape. Some of us have weddings to attend, parties to go to, or just want to feel a little lighter. Well, there is a solution that the makers of Yoplait have come up with! It’s called the Two-Week Tune Up! It’s a custom diet plan designed especially for you by Yoplait!

For more information, visit Yoplait’s Two Week Tune Up.

I have been given the opportunity to try out this new plan after the holiday season has ended, thanks to Yoplait! I will track my progress here for you guys to see! I will share more information about it when the time gets closer!

Until then, I will just be enjoying myself in moderation, keeping up my workout routine, and having happy holidays. I hope you will too!

What are your holiday plans this year? How do you plan to stay fit and healthy over the next two weeks? Leave a comment!

Sunday, December 19

Disney Christmas Extraveganza

This year, I was so privileged to accompany my wonderful Biff and her family for their annual trip to Disney to look at the festive hotel Christmas dĂ©cor. Friday morning, I rushed through my upper body and abs workout and jetted over to her house. Then, we saddled up and made the 1 ½ hr. trip to the magical Land of the Giant Mouse. 

Biff and  I on the road.
 But first, we stopped off at Premium Outlets for some retail fun.We spent a few hours walking around, grabbing sale items as quickly as possible.
Large grass moose holding some sort of burger. Interesting...
We made our purchases and had worked up and appetite, so to Outback we went. Biff and I deliberated over sharing a meal or getting children’s portions, but I was convinced neither would satisfy my voracious hunger. I ordered the adult-sized Grilled Barbeque Chicken.
Basically two chicken breasts and a ton of veggies.
It was too much, but not wanting to be rude, I ate the whole meal. I was bursting at the seams. I knew we would be walking it off, so I felt a little less guilty.

Biff, the parentals, bro, grandparents, and I loaded up in the car and made our way to Disney.
Carousel made of chocolate.


Lights on the water

Unhealthy, delicious-looking Christmas goodies.
Pure sugar. Bleh.
More sugar.

Creepy tiki man at the Polynesian hotel.

Gigantic tree at the Grand Floridian
Pretty gingerbread house.
Everything was so beautiful. We went to all of the wonderfully decorated hotels, looked at the lights, walked around, just enjoying the Christmas spirit.

We finished our night off with some quality chocolate. Ghiradelli’s was giving away Peppermint Bark, and I got a cappuccino at 10pm. Probably not the smartest idea, but it was delicious.
By the time we reached home and I finally got to bed, it was 1:30am. Biff and her grandmother had the wonderful idea of going to the farmer’s market at 8am Saturday morning, so I woke up and drove home. I had a simple breakfast.
Cheetah-banana and cottage cheese with apple butter and almonds.
Then my mama informed me that we would be seeing, “How Do You Know?” It seems everyone was having bright/energy-sapping ideas for Saturday. We watched the movie, which was super cute, and then went to Toojay’s CafĂ©.
Salad trio- Chicken mandarin, Dill chicken, and Tuna salad. 
I spent the rest of the day recovering from exhaustion. In the evening, I had a light dinner.
Cheese and crackers with wine
I knew I needed to do some sort of physical activity, so I jumped rope for 30 minutes, while watching “Inception”. Curious to know what kind of good I was doing, I checked out how many calories jumping rope burns. The general consensus is that it burns about 11-20 cals/minute. Awesome.

So, the Disney extravaganza really got me into the Christmas Spirit! What a beautiful way to start the countdown to the most awesome day of the year. Only 6 days, 3 hrs to go! But who’s counting?

Thursday, December 16

PureFit Nutrition Bars

I am always on the lookout for new gluten-free stuff, and when saw an advertisement for PureFit Nutrition Bars, I wanted to try them! These soy protein bars were awarded #1 Bar of the Year for 2010.

PureFit bars are super high in protein, gluten-free, wheat free, and vegan!

They are:
  • Low sugar
  • Non-GMO
  • All Natural
  • Kosher
  • Nondairy
  • No trans fats
  • No hydrogenated oils
And they don’t melt!!! This is fantastic, because you can throw them in your gym bag, keep one in your purse, or toss one in the car before you head to work.

Basically, they’re super bars.

This awesome company sent me all 5 of their product flavors!
  • Chocolate Brownie
  • Peanut Butter Crunch
  • Berry Almond Crunch
  • Granola Crunch
  • Almond Crunch
Package Contents: Informational materials and Meal plan!
To my delight, I received them on Wednesday. I knew that I wasn’t going to be doing the review until Thursday, but since I am such and sucker for anything chocolate, I had to try the Chocolate Brownie flavor.

Chocolate Brownie:
Protein- 18g
Carbs- 24g
Fat- 6g
Sugar- 15g

 It was so delicious. The bar was very chewy, but didn’t stick to my teeth (which I HATE). If a bar makes me feel like a dog with peanut butter on the roof of my mouth, that automatically makes me like the bar less. I do not need my teeth pulled out while eating a protein bar.

The Chocolate Brownie bar had the “typical” protein bar texture at first, but as I chewed it, the texture turned brownie-like in my mouth. I know this sounds crazy, but it was magical. I automatically attribute anything inexplicable to magic (or God, but in this case, I am fairly certain that God would not care to turn my bar to brownie mid-bite). This protein packed pseudo-brownie also had little crunchies in it, which I assume were the soy nuts. Love.

When I got to lunch-time on Thursday, I couldn’t wait any longer to try these beauties. I cut a bit-sized piece off of each bar for taste testing. They all vary a little bit in color, but this pic makes them look uniform.
Clockwise from left: Peanut Butter Crunch, Berry Almond Crunch, Granola Crunch, Almond Crunch

Peanut Butter Crunch:
Calories- 220
Protein- 18g
Carbs- 23g
Fat- 7g
Sugar- 15g

This had a drier consistency than I first expected (not in a bad way). It was almost like a soft cookie. Super delicious.  My sister Mons swore she could not finish a whole one of these bars. It’s a hefty snack for sure.

Berry Almond Crunch:
Protein- 18g
Carbs- 24g
Fat- 7g

This bar was much gooier than the Peanut Butter Crunch, sort of like a Fruit Roll Up- sans the teeth sticking! And again with the crunchies. I think that the mixture of textures is what makes these bars so awesome.

Granola Crunch:
Calories- 210
Protein- 18g
Carbs- 25g
Fat- 6g

This bar was my favorite, hands down. And that is saying a lot since I am slightly completely obsessed with chocolate. 
Me with my Granola Goodness
 I have missed granola bars since I have gone gluten-free, and these are the perfect substitute. I have tried gluten-free granola bars before, but they are never crunchy enough for me. These have gluten-free oats and taste like cinnamon and raisins (without whole raisins in it). This is perfect for raisin-haters. New favorite treat.

Almond Crunch:
Calories- 220
Protein- 18g
Carbs- 23g
Fat- 7g
Sugar- 15g

My email buddy from PureFit told me that these were his favorite. I really liked them, but Granola Cruch trumps them. I do, however, love the fact that the almond flavor is incredibly strong in these. It’s like an almond dessert. If you are an almond-lover, you will fall in love with this bar. It was the softest of all the bars. Almost melt-in-your-mouth soft. Now that I think about it, I would have to say this is my second favorite. This was scrumdidallyumptious.

Overall, these bars were awesome. Like I said before though, if you are a small eater, you will probably not finish a whole bar in one sitting. These are not meant to be a meal replacement.

Thanks so much to PureFit for letting my try their awesome product! Go out and get one for yourself. You won’t be sorry!

For more information about these bars and how to order, or where to buy, go to You can also visit their blog at