Saturday, April 30

Celebrate Good Times

As the time for me to go draws nearer, I have noticed that so many things that have been a part of my life for so long are coming to an end. I’ve decided to try to look at all of these things being happy endings and to have a good time in honor of them. With all of this celebration also comes celebratory eating, which I CANNOT afford to keep up. Nonetheless, it happens, and I am loving every minute of it.

Thursday was my last official day of classes… EVER!  Like some people (weirdoes, if you ask me), I could have been sad about this. But instead, I was incredibly giddy throughout the day, thinking of how fantastic it’s going to be to not have to do homework anymore. I also turned in my thesis, AKA the culmination of all my hard work in college. Sweet relief.

During all of that time, I ate several delicious meals.
Apple Oatmeal Muffins
Salad beast from the school cafeteria (which I haven't eaten at in 2 years).
I could only eat the chocolate and the fruit. *sad face*
The perks we get for paying too much for schooling.
Peanut butter vanilla protein shake. I'm addicted to these things.
That afternoon, Biff and I hit up the school gym, which I always enjoy immensely. When we arrived, all of the treadmills were full. So I hopped on the elliptical, shortly after which I realized how much I despise it. I prefer the treadmill, bottom line. Luckily, a treadmill opened up and I jumped on before anyone else could snatch it. My workout was as follows:
  • 7 min brisk walk from the app to the gym (in the blazing heat)
  • 10 min at resistance level 5 on the elliptical
  • 10 min interval jog on the treadmill
  • 15 min of upper body (just biceps, shoulders, and triceps) and abs (This part was quick, but efficient. I used heavier weights than normal and cranked ‘em out!)
  • 7 min brisk walk from the gym to the app (in the blazing heat)
Our evening was made up of eating, talking, laughing, having random people show up to the app, planning on going out, ending up staying in, and going to bed early. Somehow, this epic failure of all previous plans made for a fun night. My girls always make everything fun, guaranteed.

Sad face/Happy face
Reese's Peanut Butter Egg. And so begins the chocolate affair...
Bread with spices and olive oil and a glass of wine. Classic.
Excited about nothing.
I look terrified, she looks like a nut job. I suppose I am terrified of the nut job next to me.
I guess I am showcasing my bread...

Love me some chocolate
I look waayy to excited back there.

My day today began by joining the British Royals in their celebration of the marriage of the new duke and duchess. Watching the processional and a rerun of the vows made me so excited for my own upcoming nuptials. I can’t wait!

Then Biff, Beccs, Abell, Sabs, and I went to a local diner for a good ole southern breakfast.

2 eggs over-med on grits. Before mixing...
Afterward, feeling the need to work off some of that butter, I went for a 45 minute brisk walk in downtown Collegeville. As I looked around at the same scenery I’ve been seeing for the past four years, I noticed so many little things I’ve missed. I found myself thinking, “I’ve still never eaten there,” and, “I’ve always wanted to stop in that shop.” But instead of getting sad about things I haven’t done, I let myself get nostalgic about all of the fun that’s taken place there.

A few hours later, Biff and I made our way to the mall to get her ears pierced—for the first time in her life. Yes, my Biff is twenty-two years old and has never had holes put into her lobes until today. It was a site to see.
Scaredy McScared pants
Poking holes
Happy it's over
 On our way back, instead of going to the Senior Celebration where we are supposed to pick up our cap and gown, have a champagne toast, and eat free Italian food while socializing, I came home earlier than planned to spend time with my family and some friends of ours who were coming over for dinner. After spending the evening eating, laughing, and eating some more, I am certain I made the right choice.
Yummy salad
Fajitas!!! Picture this x's 2 plus a ridiculous amount of chips and salsa
 Also not pictured here was ice cream. We currently have 6 flavors of Bryer's ice cream in our fridge left over from my going away partizzle. I had a scoop of each...

With every passing day, my desire to soak up every little thing that happens here at home grows. I want to be here constantly, both in body and mind, paying attention and taking mental notes and physical pictures of everything that goes on. Suddenly, nothing seems trivial and everything seems important enough to talk about, think about, and write about. I don’t want to come to the end of my time here and think about all of the things that I missed. Instead, I want to remember all of the good times I've celebrated.

Thursday, April 28

I Love...

Do you ever have those days where you have a million and one things to do, but you don’t feel like doing anything? Well, I feel like I’ve had about two weeks of those days now.

Although I have been feeling like I just want to drop everything and quit, I know I’m way too close to the end to stop now. So, I’ve been trudging through it all, like I trooper, if I do say so myself. All of the trudging paid off today when I completed the last paper of the semester. Great success!

I will admit that its completion wasn’t without a little complaining. The reasoning behind my frustration and lack of motivation was the simple fact that I enjoy being home, and hate ruining it with stupid homework. Home is where my heart is. It’s just awesome and being there (here?) makes me realize how much I love:

Waking up to fresh coffee and Mama ready to give me a good morning hug.
She refused to turn around for this picture.
 Having a leisurely breakfast at the dining room table alongside one of my best friends.
Coffee, garlic and onion bagel, and a pear sprinkled with cinnamon
Lovely faces
 Observing the wildlife vandalizing our property as I enjoy my java.
Gigantic, delinquent woodpecker.
The fact that no one cares if I choose to wear my robe until 4 PM.

Having lunch outside by the pool… in my jammies.
Lunch #2: Baked potato topped with plain yogurt and bunches of sweet peppers
Having tons of delicious foods in the house in case the first lunch I make is unacceptable.
Lunch #1: sardine salad. The sardines smelled and tasted weird (Or weirder than usual, as Mons would say). Although not expired, I didn't want to take a chance.
Having a Vitamix to make the best smoothies ever.
Green peanut butter vanilla smoothie
Sharing dinner with my familia. 
Steamed broccoli and turnips and quinoa sauteed with salsa.
And receiving surprise packages from the love of my life, who by the way, is the world's best gift-giver. Just sayin'. (Girls, it's ok to be jealous.)
Now, it’s time for me to finish gathering my belongings to leave my wonderful home to go to my second home—Biff’s app. I’m sure tales from tomorrow will be epic. I’m excited. Get pumped.

Wednesday, April 27


Yesterday was my birthday. It was about as exciting as the title of this post. I’m fairly certain that I have not yet spoken about my birthday on Fit Food Lover. There are a few reasons for this 1) it sort of, well, slipped my mind, 2) 22 is not an awesome age to celebrate—everything is downhill from here, 3) we just had a huge partizzle for me on Saturday, and 4) senior thesis presentations were scheduled on my birthday which pretty much took all of the joy out of the day.

Upon waking, I had a fairly decent breakfast. Looking back though, I feel like I should have had something a little snazzier for my b-day.
Vanilla papaya smoothie
 I spent the next few hours working out, packing to head off to Collegeville, and making non-GF brownies for my pals.

Once I reached town, I stopped off at Dunkin’ Donuts. They were so kind as to send me a free drink post card for my birthday. Score.
Cappuccino. Disregard that creep-o strained smile.
This and an apple constituted lunch.

I arrived at La Casa de Biff feeling a little sleepy. I chatted to my honey bunches and his familia, gladly received their birthday wishes, and then proceeded to dive into the ambrosia salad that I packed myself as a treat. I want to take this time to give a shout-out to my aunt for making the best ambrosia salad of my life, complete with Easter bunny-shaped marshmallows. This is very dangerous stuff.
Creamy, fruity, fluffy goodness
 After eating a little bit of heaven, Biff and I hit the sack for naptime. We are old ladies, I know.

Later, half-asleep and still groggy, we practiced our presentations for each other, ate dinner (not pictured), and ran to our class. Thereafter, we spent the next 3 ½ hours listening to the most boring presentations of our lives. I was incredibly antsy the entire time because I knew we would be hitting up one of our favorite hangouts post-pres:


I ate entirely too many chips and had a bowl of vanilla ice cream with hard shell. On a side note: my camera died and the following blurry pictures were taken with Biff's camera....
Chocolatey Vanilla goodness.
 Magical. And sickening. Afterward, I could feel the obscene amounts of grease sloshing around in my stomach. I don’t really want to talk about it.
Biff bonding
Beccs and Abell looking like happy roommates

Brandels and Megaleg.
The lovebirds
 We had a great time. It was pretty much the only fun part of my day. Thanks guys!

Tuesday, my attempts to sleep in were in vain, and I woke up at my usual early hour. Instead of sitting around waiting for time to pass, I took advantage of my energy and caught up on some school reading and chatted with the love of my life. And ate, of course. (These pics: products of a mediocre cell phone).
Yog with apples and alms.
Being in class made me feel like a caged animal, but I somehow managed to make it through. Snacks always help.
Goodies I stole from the print shop
Boiled egg with cheery tomatoes and rots. Mac-in' it up.
Luckily, Biff and I were let out of class #3 early, so we decided to head to the Sweet Spot for some ice cream. Cappuccino for me.
 I was a little disappointed with my choice honestly, and thinking back on it, wished I’d have ordered mint-chocolate chip. O well.

After sitting through yet another class, Biff and I headed out for volunteerism. A few hours later, I arrived home and whipped up dinner of spaghetti squash, undercooked sauteed onions, and spinach and feta chicken sausage. I was not pleased with it. For this reason, it is not pictured.

In looking back over the past few days, or even the past month, my eating has been sub-par. Either I’ve eaten unhealthily, or the food I prepared was not as good as expected. I know I need to get back on the bandwagon, but the ambrosia salad in the fridge is calling my name. As they say, “You only live once.” But I also have to fit into my wedding dress…