Sunday, April 10

Catch Phrase

It’s 9 PM and I can hardly keep my eyes open. I am tempted to lay my head down on the counter, but I currently have chemicals on my head.
My Friday and Saturday were so action-packed, it would take entirely too long for me to give you a complete run-down. So instead, I’ve decided to give you phrase and photo-montage that encapsulates my gallavanting. Here’goes:

Scholarly duties

Walked it out (with Biff)

Snacktion disguised as lunch

Flexing the golden pipes


Pescado with Penne and Peppers

Dark chocolate icing and trail mix love affair

 Bestie love

More delectable dark chocolate

Silly girls

Hit the sack

Woke up and worked up a sweat

 Mushy morning goodness

Spiffy seniors

Veggies on-the-go

Delectable fruit and cheese

Goodbye speeches

Light and lovely

So that sums up the past two days in as many words as my worn out brain will allow. Tomorrow promises to be another fun-filled day with the fam. There is talk of an in-theater movie marathon. It sounds like entertainment madness to me. I can’t wait!

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