Monday, April 11

Things I'll Be Missing

Over the past few weeks, I have been less and less present here and more mentally present in South Africa. After the first time I was away, I missed my lovey. After the second time I was away, I missed my lovey and his family. After spending the entire summer there, I absolutely fell in love with the country, the vibe, the people, and the culture. It’s like nowhere else on earth. Now, I miss not only the love of my life and my second family, but also that beautiful place that I’ll soon be calling home.

Yesterday (Sunday), I was back home after a long weekend at Biff’s, and I made sure to pay attention—to be more present here than I have been.  And I realized, there are so many things I’m going to miss. My family, as you might have guessed, is so fun, but absolutely nuts-o. That, my friends, is the true secret to happiness: a psychotic family.

I took mental notes of some of the cooky, yet wonderful familial abnormalities that I endure every day. So without further ado, here are some little things I’ll be missing:
Leisurely Sunday morning breakfasts
Coffee, egg sandwich with hotsauce, and an apple. Mess due to moving food from broken front fridge to garage fridge.
Seeing my stepdad do crazy things with his hair (i.e. Picking it out to look like Pauly D. Slicking it back like Scott Disick and saying that he would be doing his hair like that for my wedding. He’s got jokes.) I have not been allowed to photograph this event yet...

Being rushed at the last minute to go to a matinee movie

Watching a movie, loving it, and deciding to go to a second one

 Walking into a fast food place discussing how it’s been years since we’ve eaten fast food as a family. 

Eating horribly naughty food in between movies
Having a family discussion about the fact that we don’t understand how Mons can eat fast food as often as she does
 Hearing my mom make a scene about how chicken nuggets taste like rubber

Watching my mom make another scene by going to the counter, telling the guy our fries are cold, asking for hot ones, and saying, “If we are going to eat this junk, it better be good.”

Having shared stomach pains and all saying, “OMG, I can’t believe we ate Wendy’s.”

Coming home and having coffee with my mom mid-afternoon

Eating clean dinners after having horrible digestive track-wrecking lunches.
Sauteed greens, onions, and radishes and yogurt with a pear.
Laughing at vulgar movies together
 Getting the best goodnight hugs from my Mama

So those are just a few of the things that I have the pleasure to experience daily.My life can be quite entertaining. I have a feeling that this "Things I'll Be Missing" post is going to be one of a series. We shall see. Until then, adios!

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